
How science works

Science investigation and research requires many skills and processes to come together in order to be successful and worthwhile.

Scientific methods

Making a hypothesis

A scientific investigation never attempts to prove a particular event or trend occurs. Rather, an investigation claims that it does not disprove a particular suggestion or prediction. This suggestion or prediction is called the hypothesis. The hypothesis is expressed as a statement that includes the variables invovled (the 'cause' and 'effect'). It is not expressed as a question. It should be testable and specific.

To test the hypothesis, you can follow the step-by-step guide which is outlined below.

A step-by-step guide to the scientific method

	      \rput(2.5,-0.45){Identify a problem or a question}
	      \rput(2.5,1.05){Conduct background research}
	      \rput(2.5,0.7){introduction / literature review}
	      \rput(2.5,-1.65){Identify variables}
	      \rput(2.5,-2.7){\textbf{Three types of variables}}
	      \rput(1.93,-3.1){1) Independant/manipulated - changed by the investigator}
	      \rput(3.3,-3.5){2) Dependant/responding - changes according to the independant variable}
	      \rput(2.23,-3.9){3) Controlled/fixed - kept constant throughout the experiment}
	      \rput(2.5,-5.05){Make a hypothesis}
	      \rput(2.5,-6.25){Generate aim/prediction}
	      \rput(2.5,-7.45){Design a controlled experiment}
	      \rput(0.3,-8.15){Experimental group}
	      \rput(4.7,-8.15){Control group}
	      \rput(2.5,-9.35){Observation and collection of data}
	      \rput(2.5,-10.55){Analysis and presentation of data (tables,}
	      \rput(2.5,-10.9){graphs, drawing, written explanations)}
	      \rput(2.5,-12.05){Make conclusions}
	      \rput(-0.5,-13.05){Data supports hypothesis}
	      \rput(5.5,-13.05){Data does not support hypothesis}
	      \rput(-0.25,-14.35){Accept hypothesis}
	      \rput(5.25,-14.35){Reject hypothesis}
	      \rput{90}(8.65,-9.3){Revise and modify the original hypothesis}
	      \rput{90}(9,-9.3){or generate a new one}

Overview of scientific method.

A guideline to recording an investigation

Scientific method

The scientific method is the basic skill process in the world of science. Since the beginning of time humans have been curious as to why and how things happen in the world around us. The scientific method provides scientists with a well structured scientific platform to help find the answers to their questions. Using the scientific method there is no limit as to what we can investigate.


Recording and writing up an investigation is an integral part of the scientific method. However, before beginning an investigation background, research needs to be undertaken, the referencing and communicating of your findings are also ne cessary inclusions for your scientific method.

Below are basic steps to follow when undertaking research assignment

The question

Ask a question to which you want to find an answer. An example of a question that you might ask would be: ???

Identify variables

So in the above example, the variables will be any of th efactors that might change during the experiment. These factors might include ???


Write down a statement as to what you think the outcome or result of your investigation will be. This is your hypothesis. The hypothesis should be specific and should relate directly to the question you are asking. During your background research you would have learnt that ??? You may predict that ??? Therefore your hypothesis could be ??? Next you will need to test this prediction by designing an experiment.

It is important to note than an incorrect prediction does not mean tha tyou have failed. It means tha tthe experiment has brought some new facts to light tha tyou might not have thought of before.


In this case, your aim would be to investigate the effect of ???

In science we never 'prove' a hypothesis through a single experiment because there is a chance that you made an error somewhere along the way. What you can say is that your results SUPPORT the original hypothesis.


In this case...


The next step is to test your hypothesis. An experiment is a tool tha tyou design to find out if your ideas about your question are right or wrong. You must design an expermient that accurately tests your hypothesis. The expeirment is the most important part of the scientific method. We will discuss independent and dependent variables as well as controls later. These are all important concepts to know when designing an experiment.


Analysis of results or discussion

Evaluation of results


The conclusion needs to link the results ot the aim and hypothesis. In a short paragraph, write down if what was observed is supported or rejected by the hypothesis by restating the variables that were tested. If your original hypothesis does not match up with the final results of your experiment, do not change the hypothesis. Instead, try adn explain what mgiht avhe been wrong with your original hypothesis. What information did you not have originally that caused you to be wrong in your prediction.