
Introduction to this textbook editor

Welcome to the OERPUB project and TextBook Editor!

This is an alpha version and will be improving and changing over the next couple of months. If you are here, you have probably figured out that you have to use Chrome for right now. Firefox is coming soon. We aren't purposely doing anything browser-specific, so eventually this editor will work in all modern browsers.

Click on the book chapters to see real content and play with the editor. Be sure and add some mathematics, and some textbook semantic blocks (Note to Reader, Activity, etc.) Images encourage authors to add descriptive alternate text for learners with visual impairments and provide lots of opportunity to properly source the image.

To start your own book, click "Fork this Book" (copy) the empty-book

See the book in different formats

Web view: http://oerpub.github.io/demo-book/ (This is a very simple web view of the book as an EPUB. At the Books-in-Browsers hackday we are hoping to replace this with EPUBjs, an open-source epub viewer for the web, that is also integrated with an annotation system so people can comment on the book.)

EPUB: Coming soon. If you are a developer, see below how to view the EPUB of the book using Readium.

PDF: Check out a prototype PDF generation system for this book here. It automatically updates the PDF when any of the content of the book changes. 

Are you a developer?

Want to help us improve it? Or just want to reuse some of it? It is all open source and available on github.

The demo books you see also live on github.

EPUBs: The books are stored in EPUB format on github and you can almost just download the zip and view it with readium. If you want to give it a try, download the zip of the demo repo. You have to do two things to make it work with readium.

  1. Unpack the book and remove the second book from container.xml
  2. Rezip just the contents of the folder demo-book-master, rather than zipping the folder itself.
  3. You should now be able to view the book using the Readium Chrome extension.

Are you at Books in Browsers and planning to come to the hack day on Saturday, October 26th? We will be working with EPUBjs and Hypothes.is to hook into the web view of the book!

Find out more